Autostart and Process Viewer Help.
[Autostart And Process Viewer Online]



About accepting items (what are those red items?)

Alarms - new autostart entry or process

Removing Unnecessary Autostart Programs




Accepting autostart programs and processes.

To "accept" an item, right-click to bring the menu, and choose "accept" command.

Accepting items means only that the APV program will not raise the alarm about this items. Nothing more. Un-accepted processes will run without any problems (APV will not stop them), and un-accepted autostart programs will also be executed without problems. But, you will be notified about them, that's all.

The tray icon - Tray icon of the APV program - will start flashing when this happens.

All unaccepted items are printed in red. If you know this item, and you know it's ok, then accept it.

More about alarms.









Copyright by Konrad Papala